22 July 2013

At the end of May I was made redundant from a job I loved. It was devastating to discover that my job didn’t love me back. At around the same time I heard about a course that The Guardian was running: How to write a blog with The Gentle Author. I wondered if blogging would be a good thing to do while redundant ànd job hunting or would it be a waste of some of my redundancy money that might need to last for goodness knows how long? Anyway I did go on the course. The Gentle Author as you probably know is the famous blogger of Spittlefields Life. I didn’t expect the course to involve so much work but we had to do lots of writing (even homework after the first day) and talking. It was strangely exhausting but really good. The Gentle Author is a very interesting and inspiring person. The icing on the cake was that the others on the course were inspirational too.

So that is what led up to me starting this blog.